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7 Strategies for Maintaining Mental Wellness in High-Pressure Environments

August 19, 2024

Being under pressure is something most of us face in our lives. Feeling like you’re rushing against time while trying to get something right can put a strain on your mental health, especially if it's a daily occurance. 

Being a student with exams, a professional with tight deadlines, or a parent with multiple responsibilities can all cause significant stress due to the pressure.

Do you find yourself becoming more and more stressed? Our guide can help you. We explore different methods to help you succeed in stressful situations, keeping your mental health in check while facing high-pressure scenarios. Just keep reading to learn more about managing pressure and stress.

1. Understanding stress and its effects on your health


First things first, learning about stress and its impact on your mental health is essential for finding the right coping strategies. This is a strategy in itself. We’ve already established that stress has become an unavoidable aspect of daily life, especially in high-pressure environments. But what actually is stress?

Stress is what happens to our bodies when we face challenges or feel pressure, whether it's from things we do physically, emotionally, or mentally. Some stress can actually be good because it helps us stay motivated, but if we have too much stress for a really long time, it can hurt our bodies and minds.

  • Physical: Living with stress over long periods of time can have physical symptoms. You may lose or gain weight, or you may feel restless. Some evidence suggests that long-term stress can lead to other health risks. However, the point here is to notice symptoms so you can take steps to avoid these longer-term risks.

  • Emotional: Stress can appear in various ways, such as anxiety, getting easily irritated, and having trouble concentrating. It can also lead to changes in mood, feeling overwhelmed, and constantly feeling tense.

  • Behavioural: Stress can significantly impact behaviour, often leading to potentially harmful habits such as overeating, dependence on detrimental substances, or social withdrawal. When stress becomes overwhelming, it can also disrupt sleep patterns, resulting in fatigue and reduced productivity.

  • The key is to identify these signs of stress. This will allow you to take proactive steps to manage your mental health when under pressure. 

2. Incorporating self-care into your daily routine

It can be hard to make time to take care of yourself when you're busy, but it's really important to stay balanced and strong. Check out these easy tips to add to your daily schedule:

Always start with small steps: First, try to find simple things that make you happy and can be done every day. It could be something like enjoying a nice cup of tea in the morning, taking a short walk during your lunch break, or doing some relaxing breathing exercises before going to bed. These small acts can really help improve your overall well-being. 

Create routines: Having daily routines can add depth to your self-care routine and make it more significant. You can begin your day by meditating, taking care of your skin in the evening, or thinking about things you are grateful for before going to sleep. 

Prioritize self-care tasks: Make sure to treat self-care activities as essential appointments with yourself, similar to any other significant task or commitment. Add them to your daily schedule and prioritize these appointments just like any other.

Practice mindful self-compassion: It's essential to be kind to yourself and have self-compassion, especially when you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Treat yourself with the same love and understanding you would show to a friend who's going through something similar. 

3. Setting boundaries and managing your expectations

It's easy to feel overwhelmed in stressful situations and then try to do everything at once. But it's important to know that taking care of your mental health means knowing your limits and not expecting too much from yourself.

Setting limits begins with recognizing your own needs, what's most important to you, and your personal boundaries. It involves understanding what you can handle and being able to say no when necessary to avoid feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

Setting boundaries is a really strong way to make sure you're taking care of yourself. It means being able to tell people what you need and what you can't do. Sometimes, you might have to say no without feeling bad and stand up for yourself when it's necessary.

It's good to set goals that you can actually reach. If you break big tasks into smaller ones, it's easier to make progress without getting too stressed. Remember, it's okay to be nice to yourself and understand that setbacks happen sometimes.

4. Developing resilience and coping mechanisms

Did you know that having resilience is essential for being able to overcome obstacles? When you're resilient, you can handle whatever life throws at you and keep going strong.

One method to build resilience is by changing how you look at challenges. Instead of thinking of setbacks as impossible obstacles, resilient people try to see them as opportunities to gain knowledge and improve.

It can be extremely helpful to have people around you who can support you when things get hard. Friends, family, and even coworkers can give you advice, encouragement, and comfort when you need it most. By building strong relationships and asking for help when you need it, you can overcome challenges and become even more resilient.

5. Creating a supportive environment

Building a nurturing atmosphere means cultivating circumstances that encourage happiness, optimism, and development, whether in your personal or work life.

It's essential to have a positive support system around you to create a nurturing environment. These people offer encouragement, understanding, and comfort.

Of course, establishing environments where people can freely share their ideas, emotions, and concerns without worrying about criticism nurtures a feeling of inclusivity and unity. Having open and truthful conversations is important in group therapy talks, counseling meetings, and casual talks to create a caring environment.

It's essential to have a relaxing space at home where you can unwind, be creative, and recharge when you're not working. This might involve organizing your living space, surrounding yourself with things that motivate you, or engaging in activities that bring you joy.

6. Practicing mindfulness and stress reduction techniques

Practicing mindfulness and stress reduction techniques can be useful for keeping your mental health and resilience strong. Mindfulness means paying attention to what's happening right now without any judgments.

Paying attention to your breathing is a way to practice mindfulness. When you take a moment to focus on each breath, you can bring yourself back to the present moment, relax your mind, and reduce stress. It's helpful to also do other quick mindfulness exercises like body scans or mindful walking every day to stay centered and attentive.

You can also test out different ways to lower stress and feel more relaxed when things get tough. One way is called progressive muscle relaxation, where you tighten and then loosen up different muscle groups in your body to help you relax physically and reduce stress.

7. Seeking professional help when you need it

It's normal to have tough times that feel overwhelming. If things start to get hard, talking to a counselor can make you feel stronger and more able to handle it.

Recognizing that your usual coping mechanisms for stress aren't working anymore is a sign that it's time to seek professional support. If you're feeling anxious, sad, or extremely stressed to the point where it's impacting your daily life, it could be a good idea to reach out for help.

In addition to therapy, it could be really important to talk to a psychiatrist or other mental health experts in certain situations, especially if you need medicine. Psychiatrists are doctors who know a lot about mental health problems. They can do a careful evaluation and give you medicine if you need it.

At the OPA, we can help you find a psychologist in the Ontario area. We also have an form. All you need to do is complete the form and one of our experts will pair you with the right licensed psychologist.


It's essential to deal with stress when things get tough to keep your brain healthy and strong. However, there are ways to handle stress and make it easier to succeed even when things are hard.

Contact the OPA today to learn more about our psychology services and how we could help you.