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Fundamentals of Performance Validity Tests in Neuropsychological and Psychological Forensic and Related Disability Assessment

February 28, 2025

Approved by Ontario Psychological Association (OPA) for 3 CE Credits

Presented by Laszlo A. Erdodi, Ph.D., C. Psych. & Dr. Gerald Young Ph.D., C.Psych., C-CAT (MB), CMLE (ON)

During this webinar, Dr. Young and Dr. Laszlo will review core concepts related to Forensic Disability and Related Assessment (FDRA), based on the significant amount of research conducted in the field; this will include critical issues of debate among various researchers. Dr. Gerald Young and Dr. Laszlo Erdodi will also address empirical and methodological issues for determining the merit of symptom and performance validity measures. The webinar will also point out counterarguments to Dr. Leonhard who delivered a presentation on the topic of validity testing to CAPDA on November 22, 2024. Of note, the counterarguments to Leonhard’s criticisms are divided into the following three categories: 1. Conceptual Foundations; 2. Psychometrics (“Testing the tests”), and 3. Practical/FDRA Implications.

The workshop concludes with a summary of legitimate concerns about performance validity measures (e.g. limitations in predictive power) and how to address these limitations in high-stake FDRAs. Dr. Young and Dr. Erdodi will identify the reasons that performance and symptom validity measures provide valuable information about a patient’s clinical condition. As such, there are strong arguments for validity measures to be implemented in psychological and neuropsychological assessments. This webinar will significantly assist practitioners who are required to defend the use of validity measures in arbitration and court.

Learning Objectives

1. Address the value and validity of using performance validity measures in forensic neuropsychological assessment

2. Respond to criticisms of the value and validity of performance validity measures in forensic neuropsychological assessment

3. Defend the use of performance validity measures in forensic neuropsychological assessment by referencing key position statements, reviews, and commentaries from published journal articles.

4. Argue persuasively for the use of performance validity measures in neuropsychological assessment by referencing critical empirical research

5. Prepare effective psychological and neuropsychological reports and testimony for court based on a list of 100 fundamental principles (critical ones will be reviewed; the others posted) underlying the value of utilizing performance validity measures in psychological and neuropsychological forensic and related disability assessments.

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