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The use of Internal Family Systems for Trauma Treatment

June 13, 2025


March-May 2025

June-October 2025

Presenter: Dr. Risa Adams, M.D.




IFS (Internal Family Systems) is a non-pathologizing and compassionate form of psychotherapy that works with ‘parts’ of the personality to uncover a powerfully healing core essence. Developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz and held up by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, IFS is useful for a wide range of clinical presentations and is particularly helpful when treating underlying trauma. Many therapists move towards this modality when they are feeling stuck or burned out. This workshop will cover essential teachings and delve into the protocols for working with protective parts, with an emphasis on connecting with one's own parts as a key component of the therapeutic process.


Whether or not you have any familiarity with parts work or an intention to weave it into your practice, a basic understanding of the IFS perspective can aid you in optimizing your therapeutic presence and enhancing the work you already do.


In this training you will:


  • Learn the difference between ‘parts’ and Self
  • Hone your own ‘parts detector’
  • Understand the different categories of parts
  • Map your own parts
  • Witness a full-length demonstration
  • Practice the ‘6Fs’ IFS protocol


About Dr. Risa Adams, MD


Dr. Risa Adams is a family physician and certified IFS therapist, approved consultant and assistant trainer with the IFS Institute. She has taught introductory and comprehensive IFS courses for therapists and physicians, including at St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health Team and the Central Lambton Family Health Team. Risa’s clinical work has focused on the perinatal population and includes long term psychotherapy with complex PTSD survivors. Having worked extensively in the field of primary care, she is passionate about bringing IFS to health care providers in general for their own self-care. She is a co-author of an upcoming book ‘It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way: A Physician’s Guide to Radical Self Care.’ She is a founding member of IFS Connect, a consultation and learning hub that supports the growth of IFS professionals throughout Canada and beyond. Risa engages with the practices of IFS on a daily basis and continues to be surprised and delighted by the depths of joy and solace she finds along the way.



COST: $200 + HST ($226 with taxes included) per workshop ($100+HST for student-trainees) 

  • 10% off (becomes $203.40 with taxes included) for any workshops registered, if you register before March 1st, 2025!
  • 20% off ($800+HST becomes $640+HST; $723.20 with taxes included) if you register for all the workshops as a bundle before March 1st, 2025!