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FYM: What Clinicians Need to Know About Therapeutic Alliance Ruptures and Repairs

April 23, 2025


Therapeutic alliance ruptures often occur in clinical practice. If clinicians do not identify and repair alliance ruptures, they can harm the therapeutic relationship and patient mental health outcomes. Dr. Tasca will discuss two types of therapeutic alliance ruptures: withdrawal and confrontation ruptures. He will focus on practical ways therapists can identify and repair therapeutic alliance ruptures. For example, he will discuss when and how to use metacommunication as a repair strategy. Dr. Tasca will provide a running commentary on video examples illustrating alliance ruptures and their repairs.


Dr. Giorgio Tasca is a Professor in the School of Psychology, at the University of Ottawa. He is also a visiting professor at the University of Bergamo, Italy, and Scientific Director of the Scuola di Psicoterapia Integrata in Milan. Prior to moving to the university in 2016, he worked in the hospital system primarily as a clinician for the first 15 years and transitioned to a clinician-researcher in the last 10 years. Dr. Tasca is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, a recipient of the Ontario Psychological Association Harvey Brooker award for clinical teaching, and the Canadian Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Profession. Dr. Tasca is the founder and Director of the Psychotherapy Practice Research Network ( His scholarly works focus on attachment theory, group and individual psychotherapy processes and outcomes, and facilitating collaborations between clinicians and researchers.

This session is only available to active OPA members 

This webinar has been accredited by the Ontario Psychological Association for 1 CE credit.